Hi, it’s nice to meet you.
I’m Grace. And I’m a copywriter because there’s nothing better than finding the right word.
Not a “yep this works” kind of feeling. But a state of lightning versus lightning bug euphoria (pretentious Mark Twain reference, check) that comes after a series of failed attempts, four cups of coffee and a few self-affirming pep talks. That feeling you get after finding a string of words that are together so impactful, so exactly right, that you laugh to yourself thinking about all of those sub-par words that almost made the cut.
That’s what makes it all worth it. And it’s that agonizing, never-ending, unbelievable process that made me want to become a copywriter.
Want to talk about your favorite words, advertising, or the best public bathrooms I’ve been to?
Shoot me an email at Gramag11@sbcglobal.net.